Source code for guano

This is the Python reference implementation for reading and writing GUANO metadata.

GUANO is the "Grand Unified Acoustic Notation Ontology", an extensible metadata format
for representing bat acoustics data.

Import this Python module as::

    import guano

This module utilizes the Python :mod:`logging` framework for issuing warnings and debug messages.
Application code may wish to enable logging with the :func:`logging.basicConfig` function.


import os
import sys
import wave
import struct
import os.path
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timedelta
from contextlib import closing
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from base64 import standard_b64encode as base64encode
from base64 import standard_b64decode as base64decode

import logging
log = logging.Logger(__name__)

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    unicode = str
    basestring = str

__version__ = '1.0.12'

__all__ = 'GuanoFile',

WHITESPACE = ' \t\n\x0b\x0c\r\0'

wavparams = namedtuple('wavparams', 'nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname')

_ZERO = timedelta(0)

class tzutc(tzinfo):
    """UTC timezone"""

    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return _ZERO

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return 'UTC'

    def dst(self, dt):
        return _ZERO

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'UTC'

utc = tzutc()

class tzoffset(tzinfo):
    Fixed-offset concrete timezone implementation.
    `offset` should be numeric hours or ISO format string like '-07:00'.

    def __init__(self, offset=None):
        if isinstance(offset, basestring):
            # offset as ISO string '-07:00' or '-07' format
            vals = offset.split(':')
            offset = int(vals[0]) if len(vals) == 1 else int(vals[0]) + int(vals[1])/60.0
        self._offset_hours = offset
        self._offset = timedelta(hours=offset)

    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return self._offset

    def dst(self, dt):
        return _ZERO

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return 'UTC'+str(self._offset_hours)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.tzname(None)

def parse_timestamp(s):
    Parse a string in supported subset of ISO 8601 / RFC 3331 format to :class:`datetime.datetime`.
    The timestamp will be timezone-aware of a TZ is specified, or timezone-naive if in "local" fmt.

    :rtype: datetime or None
    # Python's standard library does an awful job of parsing ISO timestamps, so we do it manually

    if s is None or not s.strip():
        return None

    timestamp, tz = None, None

    s = s.replace(' ', 'T', 1)  # support using space rather than 'T' as date/time delimiter

    if s[-1] == 'Z':  # UTC "zulu" time
        tz = utc
        s = s[:-1]
    elif '+' in s or s.count('-') == 3:  # UTC offset provided
        i = s.index('+') if '+' in s else s.rfind('-')
        s, offset = s[:i], s[i:]
        tz = tzoffset(offset)

    if len(s) > 22:  # milliseconds included
        timestamp = datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
        timestamp = datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

    return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=tz) if tz else timestamp

_chunkid = struct.Struct('> 4s')
_chunksz = struct.Struct('< L')

[docs]class GuanoFile(object): """ An abstraction of a .WAV file with GUANO metadata. A `GuanoFile` object behaves like a normal Python :class:`dict`, where keys can either be well-known metadata keys, namespaced keys, or a tuple of (namespace, key). Well-known keys will have their values coerced into the correct data type. The parser may be configured to coerce new namespaced keys with the :func:`register()` function. Example usage:: gfile = GuanoFile('myfile.wav') print gfile['GUANO|Version'] >>> '1.0' gfile['Species Manual ID'] = 'Mylu' gfile['Note'] = 'I love GUANO!' gfile.write() Though reading, writing, and editing .WAV files is the target usage, this class may also be used independent from the .WAV file format. GUANO metadata can be written into an Anabat-format file or to a sidecar file, for example, by populating a `GuanoFile` object and then using the :func:`serialize()` method to produce correctly formatted UTF-8 encoded metadata. :ivar str filename: path to the file which this object represents, or `None` if a "new" file :ivar bool strict_mode: whether the GUANO parser is configured for strict or lenient parsing :ivar bytes wav_data: the `data` subchunk of a .WAV file consisting of its actual audio data, lazily-loaded and cached for performance :ivar wavparams wav_params: namedtuple of .WAV parameters (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) """ _coersion_rules = { 'Filter HP': float, 'Length': float, 'Loc Elevation': float, 'Loc Accuracy': int, 'Samplerate': int, 'TE': lambda value: int(value) if value else 1, 'Loc Position': lambda value: tuple(float(v) for v in value.split()), 'Timestamp': parse_timestamp, 'Note': lambda value: value.replace('\\n', '\n'), } _serialization_rules = { 'Loc Position': lambda value: '%f %f' % value, 'Timestamp': lambda value: value.isoformat() if value else '', 'Length': lambda value: '%.2f' % value, 'Note': lambda value: value.replace('\n', '\\n') } def __init__(self, filename=None, strict=True): """ Create a GuanoFile instance which represents a single file's GUANO metadata. If the file already contains GUANO metadata, it will be parsed immediately. If not, then this object will be initialized as "new" metadata. :param filename: path to an existing .WAV file with GUANO metadata; if the path does not exist or is `None` then this instance represents a "new" file :type filename: str or None :param bool strict: whether the parser should be strict and raise exceptions when encountering bad metadata values, or whether it should be as lenient as possible (default: True); if in lenient mode, bad values will remain in their UTF-8 string form as found persisted in the file :raises ValueError: if the specified file doesn't represent a valid .WAV or if its existing GUANO metadata is broken """ self.filename = filename self.strict_mode = strict self.wav_params = None self._md = OrderedDict() # metadata storage - map of maps: namespace->key->val self._wav_data = None # lazily-loaded and cached self._wav_data_offset = 0 self._wav_data_size = 0 if filename is not None and os.path.isfile(filename): self._load() def _coerce(self, key, value): """Coerce a value from its Unicode representation to a specific data type""" if key in self._coersion_rules: try: return self._coersion_rules[key](value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: if self.strict_mode: raise else: log.warning('Failed coercing "%s": %s', key, e) return value # default should already be a Unicode string def _serialize(self, key, value): """Serialize a value from its real representation to GUANO Unicode representation""" serialize = self._serialization_rules.get(key, unicode) try: return serialize(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: if self.strict_mode: raise else: log.warning('Failed serializing "%s": %s', key, e) def _load(self): """Load the contents of our underlying .WAV file""" fsize = os.path.getsize(self.filename) if fsize < 8: raise ValueError('File too small to contain valid RIFF "WAVE" header (size %d bytes)' % fsize) with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f: chunk = _chunkid.unpack([0] if chunk != b'WAVE': raise ValueError('Expected RIFF chunk "WAVE" at 0x08, but found "%s"' % repr(chunk)) try: self.wav_params = wavparams(* except RuntimeError as e: return ValueError(e) # Python's throws this inappropriate exception # iterate through the file until we find our 'guan' subchunk metadata_buf = None while f.tell() < fsize - 1: try: chunkid = _chunkid.unpack([0] size = _chunksz.unpack([0] except struct.error as e: raise ValueError(e) if chunkid == b'guan': metadata_buf = elif chunkid == b'data': self._wav_data_offset = f.tell() self._wav_data_size = size, 1) else:, 1) if size % 2: # align to 16-bit boundary if not self._wav_data_offset: raise ValueError('No DATA sub-chunk found in .WAV file') if metadata_buf: self._parse(metadata_buf) def _parse(self, metadata_str): """Parse metadata and populate our internal mappings""" if not isinstance(metadata_str, unicode): try: metadata_str = metadata_str.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: log.warning('GUANO metadata is not UTF-8 encoded! Attempting to coerce. %s', self.filename) metadata_str = metadata_str.decode('latin-1') for line in metadata_str.split('\n'): line = line.strip(WHITESPACE) if not line: continue full_key, val = line.split(':', 1) namespace, key = full_key.split('|', 1) if '|' in full_key else ('', full_key) namespace, key, full_key, val = namespace.strip(), key.strip(), full_key.strip(), val.strip() if not key: continue if namespace not in self._md: self._md[namespace] = OrderedDict() self._md[namespace][key] = self._coerce(full_key, val) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, metadata_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a :class:`GuanoFile` instance from a GUANO metadata string :param metadata_str: a string (or string-like buffer) of GUANO metadata :rtype: GuanoFile """ return GuanoFile(*args, **kwargs)._parse(metadata_str)
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, namespace, keys, coerce_function, serialize_function=str): """ Configure the GUANO parser to recognize new namespaced keys. :param namespace: vendor namespace which the keys belong to :param keys: a key or sequence of keys under the specified vendor namespace :param coerce_function: a function for coercing the UTF-8 value to any desired data type :type coerce_function: callable :param serialize_function: an optional function for serializing the value to UTF-8 string :type serialize_function: callable """ if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] for k in keys: full_key = namespace+'|'+k cls._coersion_rules[full_key] = coerce_function cls._serialization_rules[full_key] = serialize_function
def _split_key(self, item): if isinstance(item, tuple): namespace, key = item[0], item[1] elif '|' in item: namespace, key = item.split('|', 1) else: namespace, key = '', item return namespace, key def __getitem__(self, item): namespace, key = self._split_key(item) return self._md[namespace][key] def get(self, item, default=None): try: return self[item] except KeyError: return default def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not self._md: self._md['GUANO'] = {} self._md['GUANO']['Version'] = '1.0' namespace, key = self._split_key(key) if namespace not in self._md: self._md[namespace] = {} self._md[namespace][key] = value def __contains__(self, item): namespace, key = self._split_key(item) return namespace in self._md and key in self._md[namespace] def __delitem__(self, key): namespace, key = self._split_key(key) del self._md[namespace][key] if not self._md[namespace]: del self._md[namespace] def __bool__(self): return bool(self._md) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # py2 def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.filename)
[docs] def get_namespaces(self): """ Get list of all namespaces represented by this metadata. This includes the 'GUANO' namespace, and the '' (empty string) namespace for well-known fields. """ return self._md.keys()
[docs] def items(self, namespace=None): """Iterate over (key, value) for entire metadata or for specified namespace of fields""" if namespace is not None: for k, v in self._md[namespace].items(): yield k, v else: for namespace, data in self._md.items(): for k, v in data.items(): k = '%s|%s' % (namespace, k) if namespace else k yield k, v
[docs] def items_namespaced(self): """Iterate over (namespace, key, value) for entire metadata""" for namespace, data in self._md.items(): for k, v in data.items(): yield namespace, k, v
[docs] def well_known_items(self): """Iterate over (key, value) for all the well-known (defined) fields""" return self.items('')
[docs] def to_string(self): """Represent the GUANO metadata as a Unicode string""" lines = [] for namespace, data in self._md.items(): for k, v in data.items(): k = u'%s|%s' % (namespace, k) if namespace else k v = self._serialize(k, v) lines.append(u'%s: %s' % (k, v)) return u'\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def serialize(self, pad='\n'): """Serialize the GUANO metadata as UTF-8 encoded bytes""" md_bytes = bytearray(self.to_string(), 'utf-8') if pad is not None and len(md_bytes) % 2: # pad for alignment on even word boundary md_bytes.append(ord(pad)) return md_bytes
@property def wav_data(self): """Actual audio data from the wav `data` chunk. Lazily loaded and cached.""" if not self._wav_data_size: raise ValueError() if not self._wav_data: with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f: self._wav_data = return self._wav_data @wav_data.setter def wav_data(self, data): self._wav_data_size = len(data) self._wav_data = data
[docs] def write(self, make_backup=True): """ Write the GUANO .WAV file to disk. :param bool make_backup: create a backup file copy before writing changes or not (default: True); backups will be saved to a folder named `GUANO_BACKUP` :raises ValueError: if this `GuanoFile` doesn't represent a valid .WAV by having appropriate values for `self.wav_params` (see :meth:`wave.Wave_write.setparams()`) and `self.wav_data` (see :meth:`wave.Wave_write.writeframes()`) """ # FIXME: optionally write other unknown subchunks for redundant metadata formats if not self.filename: raise ValueError('Cannot write .WAV file without a self.filename!') if not self.wav_params: raise ValueError('Cannot write .WAV file without appropriate self.wav_params (see `wavfile.setparams()`)') if not self.wav_data: raise ValueError('Cannot write .WAV file without appropriate self.wav_data (see `wavfile.writeframes()`)') # prepare our metadata for a byte-wise representation md_bytes = self.serialize() # create tempfile and write our vanilla .WAV ('data' sub-chunk only) tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', prefix='guano_temp-', suffix='.wav', delete=False) if os.path.isfile(self.filename): shutil.copystat(self.filename, with closing(wave.Wave_write(tempfile)) as wavfile: wavfile.setparams(self.wav_params) wavfile.writeframes(self.wav_data) # add the 'guan' sub-chunk after the 'data' sub-chunk tempfile.write(_chunkid.pack(b'guan')) tempfile.write(_chunksz.pack(len(md_bytes))) tempfile.write(md_bytes) # fix the RIFF file length total_size = tempfile.tell() tempfile.write(_chunksz.pack(total_size - 8)) tempfile.close() # verify it by re-parsing the new version GuanoFile( # finally overwrite the original with our new version (and optionally back up first) if make_backup and os.path.exists(self.filename): backup_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), 'GUANO_BACKUP') backup_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, os.path.basename(self.filename)) if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir): log.debug('Creating backup dir: %s', backup_dir) os.mkdir(backup_dir) if os.path.exists(backup_file): os.remove(backup_file) os.rename(self.filename, backup_file) os.rename(, self.filename)
# This ugly hack prevents a warning if application-level code doesn't configure logging if sys.version_info[0] > 2: NullHandler = logging.NullHandler else: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass log.addHandler(NullHandler())